B&R Music Podcast 12: Beer With Zack Roskop Returns!

Beer with Zack returns for its third installment on the Born & Raised Music Podcast! We love talking to Zack about any and all of his questions about the music industry. Sharing an office with Knox Brew Tours, this series started from all of the conversations that we’ve had with him from our desks nerding out about the stuff behind the scenes of all the concerts, festivals, and records we all love.

On this episode, Zack asks us about hospitality and tech riders, publishing rights, and the growing trend of locking up cell phones at concerts. Feel free to send in your own questions about any and all things music at info@bornandraisedknox.com and we’ll cover it on the next Beer with Zack episode.

We also talked a bit about the super quirky Born & Raised / Knox Brew Tours collaboration called The Celebration Bus where we load up the bus with a PA system and bring the party to people’s front yards for birthdays, graduations, and anything else worth celebrating. You can learn more at KnoxBrewTours.com/celebrationbus.